6 Okt 2010

AIMP2 [musik player]

Musik player yg ENTENG dan SUPER LENGKAP [Bagi gw sih gituu] Bhuakakakakakak....


AIMP v2.61 Build 583 (07/08/2010)


+ Added localization: Chinese (Traditional)
* Updated components BASS
* Updated localization
* Updated Help
- Fixed: correctly read the album cover of ID3v2.4
- Fixed: not updated the information in the Aero Peek at changing the album art file to be played
- Fixed: not updated the progress on the play button on the taskbar, in some cases
- Fixed: bug with the creation of playlists when you import files from external applications
- Fixed: minor bugs

AIMP v2.61 Build 570 (05/06/2010)


* Updated Help
* Updated components BASS
* Updated skins
- Fixed: Play track does not start from the beginning in some cases
- Fixed: bug with multiple selection of folders in the dialogue
- Fixed: did not play some files WV
- Fixed: Error reading length of some of the WMA files
- Fixed: bug with multiple release in the playlist
- Fixed: the border area repeat track dropped when navigating around the track

DOWNLOAD DISINI…….itu ntar langsung ke sitenya….tinggal milih mo donlot darimana…

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Santai bLom sempet isi... [Maklum bLum ngatrie...] Bhuakakakak...